Jumat, 26 Maret 2010


what is exactly the question i'm having lately
i lost my freaking modem and i lost my room so i have to find a new one which alhamdulillah i found it already and i am living in it already then i have no money left in my pocket but suddenly my mom wasn't that mad again at me so she sent me some so i can survive till the end of the month
well i guess things are getting better right now even when you don't have anything left to do in your room when there's no tv and no network :(
well i got to accept that cause it was my fault after all why my modem was lost
now i realize how much it meant for me (ahaha berasa pegat)

talking about the end of the month means 2 very important things in my life and those are:
1. my mom is coming next week to come and check my new room
2. it's midterm test and i haven't study anything at all

right, i should study coz i promise my dad i would raise my grade this semester to make up what i did lately

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010


gw baru aja eksperimen cacat sama my bestfriend at her house
and that is 'ngecat rambut sendiri'
gw udah beli yang bagus tuh catnya eeeeeeeeh karena rambut gw yang super tebal n super banyak itu ternyata rambut gw butuh 2 botol tu cat karena rambut gw (baca:poni) masih item hadooooh
my superbestfriend itu telah membuat rambut temannya belang2!!
haha gapapa deh
biar ini rambut begini dulu ntar gw itemin lagi aja deh pake henna ato ke salon sekalian potong hahahahaha

CACAT ni rambut kaya abis maen layangan gw hahaha

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010


begadang used to be my best habbit
yap it WAS cos after begadang saya biasanya jadi sakit magh and it hurts a lot
bikin keringetan trus perut perih pala pening dan banyak keluhan lainnya jadi gw pikir ya gw harus berhenti begadang
it took me about 2 month to change my sleeping hours
and now i am force to sleep early and wake up early coz my class starts 7.30 every weekdays
if i keep on begadang then i won't be able to concentrate at class and it will make my grades bad and i think i won't be able to get the knowledge from my lecture
gw cuma dapet gossip dari temen gw haha

wanted stuff

I wanted to say sorry to him but maybe he will ask me what for then I couldn’t answer that question
I can’t stop this guilty feeling
I should text him maybe then at least I could answer freely coz I don’t have to face him

I wanted to say ‘it is never the same again’ to him
But he will ask me or comment something and I don’t really want to communicate with him in any kind of communication
I can’t stop feeling irritated with him

I wanted to say I like you a lot and I want to have something special with you to him but maybe he will ran out and doesn’t want to meet me anymore
Or maybe he’ll agree with me
I can’t stop liking you now

I wanted to ask you ‘are you happy now?’ but I couldn’t because I feel like I don’t have anything to do with you anymore
But everytime I see your face your smile your stare it has change a lot
And I don’t see happiness like I’ve seen before when we were so happy
So are you happy now after everything that has happened?

I wanted to say ‘why are you so far away even though I went so far from home just to catch you?’
I already know the answer though
But I wanted him to know that thing
Or not
Oh God I don’t know but if this is the way it’s all supposed to be then let it be

I’m okay

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010


mungkin kata yang lebih tepatnya lagi adalah mengetik karena yah saya emang ngetik kan haha

abis bacain blog2 orang banyak yang bagus

ada yang ngebahas fashion trus lovelife everyday kinda stuff, trus fotography ada juga yang ngebahas maslah2 filsafat as i am majoring in it now so i guess those blogs are my reference

gw jadi bingung mau ngisi blog gw dengan apa

cheesy apa ya ngisi blog dengan kata2 yang ga jelas maknanya kaya yang gw tulis ini


gw sih ngutarain apa yang ada di otak gw yang dipikiran gw terus asal keluar aje gw ketik itu juga klo koneksinya lagi bagus a.k.a malam hari karena gw pake modem yang somehow ko makin hari makin melambat

oia nowdays i just realize i have so many activities i am attending too

mulai dari yang lingkup kostan, jurusan, angkatan, ampe universitas kayanya ada aja kegiatan

sampe yg berhubungan sama temen2 sma ada aja kegiatan jadi berasa no time to waste yeah right maksud gw no time too feel relax without these things going on my head

gw lagi banyak ngelamun

kebanyakan yang dipikirin

lagi sering teledor karena somehow i'm handling everything i could handle

yah semoga aja gw bisa melalui ini semua

coz i don't know why but i feel empowered by all of these things

i feel excited


kebiasaan excitednya banget tapi only last for a few days

hope this one will stay forever :D
and i hope i could sleep well everynight so that i wake up happily :D

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Kurang atau Kelebihan Tidur Meningkatkan Lemak Perut

haha nice title isn't it?
yeah that's one of the article i was interest about i got that from detik.com
it says that if you sleep more or less than 6-7 hours kemungkinan penumpukan lemak lebih banyak
hey i sleep about 6-7 hpurs a day but tummy isn't going anywhere
haha i know it's because i eat a lotta food like a hell lot
and other time i barely don't eat anything

speaking of eating i think i should eat but my class starts like 15 minutes from now so i guess i can't eat that fast coz it's not good for my health
but on the other hand my class starts from 11 till 3.30 so do you think i could survive eating my own stomach while i'm having my class?!
insanely not

sela-sela menunggu kuliah

lagi senggang, udah ngerjain tugas jadi bingung mau ngapain sambil nunggu kuliah yang waktunya tanggung bet
ngliat komputer kosong mending ol haha
mumpung koneksinya faster than my freaking modem haha

have i told you that my face is freaking black and burned out?
yeah it is and know i feel terribly ugly haha
yeah i know i shouldn't feel that way but i did
i want my old face please haha
i hate being too tan like this i'm already excotic in my way so i really need my old freaking skin back please

and my hands too, it's itchy bitchy baby

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

padat merayap

haha it's been a while i haven"t write anything and now i think i should post something at least hehe
i had a very tiring yet fun weeks
yap it's weeks
coz those weeks were terribly fun yet very tiring 
i went to a lot of places
from those place some people says it's haunted to places which can make you breathe easy and place that's adventurous
and the latest place i went was this cave called Cereme
the cave is the place where a river flos in so when i enter the cave i surely get wet and i did
me and my folks went there for about 1 and a half hour and it was fun coz there were times we have to lay down so that our body wont hit the stalagtit and other time we had to dive in the river coz the stalagtit was like all over the cave and other times we have to climb up the cave 
and it was like FUN haha but i admit that i was a little bit scared in there that's why i kept holding on somebody elses hand haha

then after that cave journey we slept and we walk in and out of the forest up and down the hill (udah berasa hatori gitu haha) and after about 5 hours we finnaly arrived at the parangtritis beach which was very beautiful at that time because for 5 hours i've walking with a lotta stuff on my back and the weather was like hell as in hot
God i was somehow about to cry when i saw that freaking beach
actually we could be there in just 2 to 3 hours but the leader of the group try to make our trip more adventurous and it turns out to be further and we got lost like a lot
but if i didn't go that far maybe i won't feel so happy seeing that beach which i have been like many times haha

after that long freaking trip my face turns red
hot red
yap hot like chili pepper were spread on your face oh god
and my hands were blistering and i hate it
now it's itching
and i feel like going home is the best solution but it's not coz i got to study for my college stuffs and i have a lot of task and assignments and it's driving me insane
OH GOD i'm moaning haha