Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Kurang atau Kelebihan Tidur Meningkatkan Lemak Perut

haha nice title isn't it?
yeah that's one of the article i was interest about i got that from
it says that if you sleep more or less than 6-7 hours kemungkinan penumpukan lemak lebih banyak
hey i sleep about 6-7 hpurs a day but tummy isn't going anywhere
haha i know it's because i eat a lotta food like a hell lot
and other time i barely don't eat anything

speaking of eating i think i should eat but my class starts like 15 minutes from now so i guess i can't eat that fast coz it's not good for my health
but on the other hand my class starts from 11 till 3.30 so do you think i could survive eating my own stomach while i'm having my class?!
insanely not

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