Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010


you they say people who are already addicted to cigarette even can't live a day without it
some says it will give you inspiration
i said it really give you life, inspiration and stuff not by smoking it but when you smoke you tend (well i tend) to think a lotta things in your head, like all your thoughts are connecting to each other and so you can get the inspiration
like daydreaming you know you think and see things as if all of your thoughts are real
its fun
its like its a must, even if you know that it'll harm your body but you don't care you feel much better after smoking
and what you feel somehow is more important than what is happening with your body

*apalah ini gw gatau ngepost apa tau -____________-"

how boring

when you're living a life which you're doing it again and again
i need a change
i've change the position of my stuffs in my room
i've change my hairdo
i've change my status haha
but i still feel bored

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

why oh why

i know a little about you but now you know more about me than i know about you
is that a problem?
coz i know they'll be more time to tell more stories
stories not like tonight 
stories that will make us laugh
stories that will make us see ourselves as if we were a pair of clown

so why did you come?
God sent you didn't He?

just let the river flow
the sun shines
and the wind blow


ada yang salah sama gw akhir-akhir ini gw rasa
there's just something wrong with it
but i don't even know what

i just think that what people think of things or other people isn't always right but somehow my mind told me to think that it's right
it's irritating

sumpah gw gasuka rasanya kaya gini
kenapa ini itu harus dikomentarin
kenapa kalo temenan harus gini gitu
kenapa kalo pake ini itu harus gini gitu
geli gw sumpah
kenapa sih ga 'peduli setan' sama orang2 gitu
gw gemes tau ga
emosi juga gw lama2
ya kalo dy gini biarin aja dy gini kalo gasuka yah bukan berarti apa yang kita suka itu bener
aduuuuuuuuuuuuh gemes gw Tuhan
kenapa gw ditempatin di kota penuh keanehan ini sih?
gemes Tuhan